Mexico introducing photo
Travel to Mexico

Past and present photos

Photos of archeological mexican sites

It is impossible to refer to Mexico not mentioning the numerous archeological sites: Tulum, Chichen Itza, Monte alban etc....
Tulum site is located on top of a cliff, surrounded by crystalline Caribbean waters. Chichen Itza is larger and more impressive. Monte alban, is located on a plain at 2000m above sea level.

In addition to the Mayas, Aztecs, Zapotecs ruins reminding the country of its history, Mexico also has a heavy colonial past. Shows are often organized to celebrate and so these moments of the past are not forgotten.

Modern Mexico photos

However, Mexico is definitively a country looking forward, rapidly growing, inevitably creating inequalities among the population.
Cars are still inaccessible for some people, yet, VW beetle is by far the most common car in Mexico.
Houses are often very colourful, both in villages or in the cities. We especially liked these windows and Campeche frontages.
Finally, the last photos represent mexican people in their everyday's life, markets scenes and so on.