In short
Hi, I am Stephanie, 50 years old, fond of travels, photographs and computing science, which naturally drew me to creating my website,, in 2000. This is the media I use to share a selection of my most beautiful photos.
Why this web site?
Originally I simply wanted to share photos with my family, and since social medias didn't exist yet, I saw the creation of a web site as the only solution to bring down the barrier of distance between Marseille and Paris.
How can you travel so much?
That is a question I often hear! It's just that I like to travel and that I need it very much. So I do it. I try to save as much money as possible throughout the year.
Of course, now, with kids it's not as easy as it used to be but I keep on travelling, again, because I need it. I need to explore the world, to meet people and other cultures...
Are you a professional photographer?
Oh no, not at all! Honnestly my work is not that good. I like to take photos but I keep on learning. I have the basics though which is why some of the photos are quite good.
Have some of your photos been published?
Yes! To my great surprise! I've been contacted from time to time by magazines and also by people who wanted me to expose some of the photos.
Is there a trip you liked more than the others?
Yes! Without hesitation Namibia and Botswana! We spent 23 days in the wild, totally free and independent thanks to our 4x4 equiped camper. An amazing trip!